Doctor Reveals: Sleep Your Way to Weight Loss Success in Detroit!


Sleep Health

The big picture: Dr. Shelandra Bell says " less, exercise more is not always the answer! There are other things at play."

In the news: New research shows that good sleep habits can lead to weight loss and improved compliance with your diets.

The key point:
The research showed that good sleep habits lead to better lifestyle
modifications. This in turn makes it easier to do the things that weight
loss requires--eating more healthily and finding the time for wellness
and exercise!

More importantly, this study and many more, continue to add to the evidence that good sleep habits have a huge impact on our overall quality of life.

You need to talk to your healthcare team about your poor quality of sleep health.

you know that 38.9% of the adults living in Wayne County get less than 7
hours of sleep a night? 18.2% of the adults in Wayne County state that
their mental health isn't good. Both of these variables harm your
overall quality of health.

Looking to improve your health?

Doctor's Insight about Sleep Health and Weight Loss

Know this:
"Oftentimes patients are surprised when I ask them about their sleeping
habits when they're talking to me about ways to lose weight. Good sleep
has oh so many benefits! Getting good sleep improves your ability to
regulate your emotions. Good sleep stimulates metabolic hormones in your
body. And, all of these combined can lead to weight loss. Patients are
thrilled to find out that they can bio-hack their own bodies to help
them lose weight." Dr. Adriana Davis, Family Medicine.

Next steps:
If you're struggling with sleep in Detroit, you may consider talking to
a sleep doctor and determine if you have any undiagnosed sleep

Conditions like:

  1. Undiagnosed sleep apnea.
  2. Restless leg syndrome.
  3. Micronutrient deficiencies, like Ferratin.

All of these elements could be compounding to harm your quality of sleep. And, in turn, making it hard for you to achieve weight loss.

Further steps: The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has many Michigan specific resources to improve your sleep health. (Visit Here)

Living in Michigan, it's important that you understand that a busy and hectic life combined with poor sleep can cause havoc to your overall health!

Did you know that a lack of sleep may also trigger seizures in people who have epilepsy?

In Wayne County, 11.7% of the adults are in poor physical health.
24.7% have no time for leisure activities. And 19.9% of the adults are
depressed. A lot is tied to poor sleep health!

What they're saying:

sleep health was associated with greater adherence to lifestyle
modification during a 12-month behavioral weight loss intervention.
Whether improving sleep health prior to or during a weight loss
intervention facilitates better lifestyle modification outcomes merits
examination" (Primary Study)

enough sleep is not a luxury--it is something people need for good
health. Sleep disorders can also increase a person's risk of health
problems." (CDC Sleep and Sleep Disorders)


Researchers at the AHA Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle Conference presented the findings: Better
Sleep Health is Associated With Greater Adherence to Lifestyle
Modification During a 12-month Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention
(Read it Here)

Sleep Health Stats: (CDC)

50% of ALL Americans state that they feel sleepy during the day!

42.6% of single parents sleep less than 7 hours per night.

10-15 minutes of brisk walking can improve the quality of your sleep.

17.5% of Wayne County adults binge drink.

The Health Standard Newswire

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